CRT 300 Rapid & Improvisational Prototyping - #4 Hackathon
Pompom Pals
By: Bailey Henderson
For this project, my goal was to make something both interesting and visually appealing. I really enjoy crafts and making cute things, so I decided to make some little animals out of pompoms! The koala and panda are made using a pompom maker, yarn, and string. The panda also has some felt ears. I really enjoyed making them. It was so much fun!
These Pompom Pals also have some importance behind their creation! As a creative technologies major and environmental science minor, I enjoy finding new ways to show what I am passionate about. This project aligns with my theme, "Representing Nature through Art and Technology." Crafting something that can be a conversation starter is a great way to inform people on environmental topics such as endangered species, biodiversity, and climate change. Overall, these pompom animals are creative and fun, and that in itself has great importance!
1. First, I gathered all of my materials that I needed to begin my pompom animals. This included the yarn, pompom makers, string, scissors, and felt. I also pulled up some my inspiration pictures. See this below.
2. Next, after looking at the pattern needed to make the animals, I started wrapping yarn on my pompom maker. Each side would contribute to making the animal. See this process below.
3. After each side was wrapped, it was time to place each side together and cut the yarn down the middle. Once cut, I tied a string down the middle and removed the pompom maker. Below is a picture of what one of the animals looked like once that step was complete. 
4. The last step was to trim the animals and shape them accordingly. This also included adding felt ears, etc. It took a lot of trimming, but they turned out pretty good!
Pompom Pals


Pompom Pals
